
What is Ultrasound?

Ultrasound is a therapeutic treatment tool used to increase blood circulation to reduce pain and promote healing. Ultrasound can be utilized in two different ways: For cavitation where the ultrasound energy causes microscopic gas bubbles around injured tissues to expand and contract rapidly in order to speed up the cellular processes and improve healing of injured tissue; For deep healing injured tendons, muscles, or ligaments to increase circulation in those tissues to help the healing process. Increasing tissue temperature with ultrasound is also used to help decrease pain.

What to expect?

After being properly positioned on a treatment bed, your clinician will apply conductive gel to the injured area and slowly move the transducer head in a circular motion over the area. While you are receiving an ultrasound treatment, you will most likely not feel anything happening, except perhaps a slight warming sensation or tingling around the area being treated.

What conditions is ultrasound therapy used for?

Ultrasound therapy is used to treat pain and injuries from many conditions, however, it’s most commonly used for:

  • carpal tunnel syndrome
  • shoulder pain, including frozen shoulder
  • tendonitis
  • ligament injuries
  • joint tightness and stiffness

To find out more about this treatment and how to stop your pain today, please call us to schedule an appointment (561) 867-8789 or click here to schedule through our website and one of our friendly staff members will reach out to you to confirm your appointment!