Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation

What is Physical Therapy?

Physical therapy is care that is used to relieve pain from accident and sports injuries as well as provide relief and regain motion and function of your joints after surgery. It is also used to do the following:

  • Improve movement or ability
  • Prevent sports injuries
  • Prevent disability
  • Rehab after a stroke, accident, injury, or surgery
  • Work on balance to prevent a slip or fall
  • Manage a chronic illness like diabetes, heart disease, or arthritis
  • Recover after you give birth
  • Control your bowels or bladder
  • Adapt to an artificial limb
  • Learn to use assistive devices like a walker or cane

What Is Physical Rehabilitation?

Physical rehabilitation is the process that an injured or deconditioned person goes through to restore their physical functioning. It can be a long process and is usually for people that have suffered from an injury or had undergone surgery. During physical rehabilitation, a person may work with a variety of rehabilitation professionals including occupational therapists and of course physical therapists. 

For example, if you broke your wrist and it was immobilized in a cast for months, you might need to have physical rehabilitation to regain your strength and range of motion so that you’re able to return to daily tasks such as preparing meals, bathing yourself and even caring for your children. 

If someone had suffered a stroke, they may require physical rehabilitation to improve their balance, regain strength and motion on one side of their body, as well as relearn how to drive as well as other activities of daily living. They would likely work with a physical therapist, occupational therapist, and speech therapist to reach their goals. There are also many other situations in which people benefit from physical rehabilitation.

What to expect?

At your first session, your therapist will examine and assess your needs based on your symptoms, movement limitations, and how your quality of life has diminished since your injury. Their goal is to determine an accurate diagnosis of your condition and to tailor a treatment plan that will help you get there safely so that you can return to enjoying your life free of pain.

People of all ages benefit from physical therapy and rehab. It can treat a variety of health problems. If you suffer from the ailments listed above, we can help.

To find out more about this treatment and how to stop your pain today, please call us to schedule an appointment (561) 867-8789 or click here to schedule through our website and one of our friendly staff members will reach out to you to confirm your appointment!