Assisted Soft Tissue Technique

What is Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Technique?

Instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization (IASTM) is a skilled myofascial intervention used for soft-tissue treatment. It is based on the principles of James Cyriax cross-friction massage. 

It employs stainless steel instruments with beveled edges and contours, pictured above, that are able to conform to different body anatomical locations and allow for deeper penetration. It is used for the detection and treatment of soft tissue disorders. The technique itself is said to have evolved from Gua sha which is a method used in Chinese medicine.

How does it work?

It is common for patients with soft-tissue injuries to not seek out physical therapy right away. Sometimes they wait weeks or months after initial injury to treat, however, by this point, the body has completed most of its self-healing process and formed scar tissue and adhesions, which limit motion and cause pain.  

It is often necessary for the physical therapist or chiropractor to restart the healing process in order to remodel the soft tissues in the affected area. IASTM instruments allow the treating clinician to get to the source of the pain and stimulate a local inflammatory response that initiates reabsorption of excessive scar tissue and facilitates a remodeling of the affected soft-tissue structures.

Studies have shown clinical benefits of IASTM with improvements in range of motion, strength and pain perception following treatment.

What conditions does it help treat?

  • Neck and back pain
  • Tendinitis/Tendinosis (Achilles, epicondylitis, patellar rotator cuff)
  • Post-surgical scaring
  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Trigger Finger
  • Sprains and Strains
  • ITB Syndrome
  • Myofascial Restrictions

To find out more about this treatment and how to stop your pain today, please call us to schedule an appointment (561) 867-8789 or click here to schedule through our website and one of our friendly staff members will reach out to you to confirm your appointment!